Quarry Machinery

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Removing dimensional stone from a quarry is an art that has been practiced for thousands of years, as well as a business that benefits from advances in engineering over the last many decades. Depending on the kind of stone you are extracting – hard, soft, layered or granitic – and the rock formations it’s sitting in, you may need different stone cutting equipment, and you will usually end up combining several. Circular blade saws are used for hard stone, and where the block size needed is small enough that the diameter of a circular saw, often about six feet, will cut a big enough block. Chain saws can extend their reach much further to produce bigger blocks when that is appropriate, though the surface finish of the block is a bit rougher. Stone chainsaws have been one of the work horses of the quarry world for a long time. These days, quarrymen are moving more and more to diamond wire saws because of their flexibility in positioning, the clean, narrow cuts they make, their potential for high speed and energy savings, since the blade surface is small compared to chain saws and disc saws. Stone Machinery Direct offers you a variety of types and brands of quality used quarrying equipment. Let our experienced sales engineers help connect you with the right stone machinery for your worksite.

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